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#1 Reason Why Startups Fail

#1 Reason Why Startups Fail: Failure to Plan The most common challenge startups face is the absence of a well-structured plan. The thrill of a novel business idea often tempts entrepreneurs to launch hastily without much foresight. This lack of planning can lead to...

The Power of “No”

No seems like a negative, and literally, it is – however, within sales, the power of “No” is as critical as the always present “Yes.” Prospects and Customers are valued – that is how we make our money and support our organizations, by closing deals....

Stop talking…and start listening!

Sales Professionals everywhere are challenged to “hone” their presentation skills; often required to record their pitches for review and comments from management. Corporate PowerPoints are in a constant state of revision in attempts to perfect the “message.” But is...