(631) 505-1090

Our Company Will Close Sales For Your Company

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As businesses evolve, many are finding ways to deliver better services while saving money. One popular method is outsourcing certain departments globally.

At GCS, we understand that having a full-time sales team may not always be the best fit for every business.

Our approach focuses more on growing and keeping your account, rather than just getting paid. This makes us a cost-effective choice that adds real value.

The Dog Days of the Sales Summer

Sales “doggedness” and the dog days of summer The Cambridge Dictionary definition of doggedness is “of great determination to do something, even if it is very difficult.” Finding, nurturing, and closing sales opportunities, particularly for newly formed startups with...

Harnessing External Expertise for Business Development in Clean Tech Startups

Navigating the complex terrain of the clean technology landscape calls for strategic alliances, proficient networking, and deft relationship management. Considering the specialized nature of these strategies, numerous startups are leveraging the services of external...

The Clean Technology Market Expected to Outpace the Oil Market…

According to the International Energy Agency's (IEA) net-zero scenario, the global market for clean technology is projected to exceed the value of the oil market by 2030. The market's value is expected to soar from $122 billion to $870 billion. The era of passive...

#1 Reason Why Startups Fail

#1 Reason Why Startups Fail: Failure to Plan The most common challenge startups face is the absence of a well-structured plan. The thrill of a novel business idea often tempts entrepreneurs to launch hastily without much foresight. This lack of planning can lead to...

The Power of “No”

No seems like a negative, and literally, it is - however, within sales, the power of “No” is as critical as the always present “Yes.” Prospects and Customers are valued - that is how we make our money and support our organizations, by closing deals. However, these...

Stop talking…and start listening!

Sales Professionals everywhere are challenged to “hone” their presentation skills; often required to record their pitches for review and comments from management. Corporate PowerPoints are in a constant state of revision in attempts to perfect the “message.” But is...

Help! I am failing 6th grade Social Studies

This was not how I pictured my life, and I am guessing you did not either. Work all day, sprinkled with student task guidance, their lunch, and breaks, then transition into school mode 1 – 3 hours late afternoon / night.

Inside Sales, telesales, and enterprise sales during a pandemic – what’s the difference?

During normal times, inside & telesales are easily distinguished from enterprise sales. Relegated to an office and phone, never meeting a customer, inside/telereps often recite scripts and process transactional orders. Conversely, enterprise reps travel, form personal relationships, and oversee more complex and involved sales cycles. With COVID-19 and associated travel restrictions, how is enterprise selling different?

It’s all about the playbook!

As football season is about to kickoff, it is well known coaches around the league are scrambling to perfect their playbook… their collection of strategies and plays will enable their team to succeed.

Sales Professionals should be thinking along those same lines.

Cheers to the New Year

To say that 2020 was challenging is an understatement. Lines like “get out of your comfort zone”, “embrace changes” or “use this opportunity” might sound encouraging but our honest and most prominent wish for 2021 is a healthy and safe year for everyone!

Why Outsource to us? We Close Sales & Reduce Your Costs

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